Tuesday 29 October 2013

IOP/Sussex Evening Talk in November: Searching for Susy at ATLAS

The November 2013 IOP/University of Sussex evening talk will be...

Tuesday 12th November 2013, 7pm - 8pm

Chichester 1 Lecture Theatre, University of Sussex

Searching for SUSY at ATLAS

Dr Tina Potter, University of Sussex

The poster is also available as a PDF document.

Friday 11 October 2013

IOP/Sussex Evening Talk: Cancer research and low temperature physics

The October 2013 IOP/University of Sussex evening talk will be...

Tuesday 15th October 2013, 7pm - 8pm
Chichester 1 Lecture Theatre, University of Sussex

Cancer research, low-temperature physics, and why it helps to run in a corridor
Debbie Hill of the Institute of Cancer Research

The poster is also available as a PDF document.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

IOP evening talk: Planet Hunting

Our May-day Institute of Physics evening talk will be...

Planet Hunting

Dr Peter Wheatley, University of Warwick

Tuesday 1st May, 2012, 7-8pm

Chichester I Lecture Theatre, University of Sussex

Click on the image to bring up a PDF poster. Please feel free to circulate and advertise as you wish!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

IOP evening talk: Blasts from the Past

Our next Institute of Physics evening talk details are as follows...

Blasts from the Past:
Using cosmic explosions to explore the distant Universe

Prof Nial Tanvir, University of Leicester

Tuesday 24th January, 2012, from 7-8pm

Chichester I Lecture Theatre, University of Sussex

Click on the image to bring up a PDF poster. Please feel free to circulate and advertise as you wish!